Senin, 25 November 2013

Kue Tradisional Pangkep (DANGE)

Mengunjungi Kabupaten Pangkep Sulawesi Selatan tidak lengkap rasanya jika tidak mencoba kuliner yang ada di sini. Kabupaten penghasil ikan bandeng terbesar di Sul-Sel ini selain terkenal dengan kuliner SOP Saudaranya juga terkenal dengan kulinernya yang lain yaitu Dange.

Dange adalah salah satu makanan khas dari kabupaten Pangkep. Sepintas Dange mirip dengan kue Baroncong, makanan khas Sul-Sel yang lain. Tapi setelah mencoba dange ternyata berbeda. Kue Baroncong memiliki tekstur yang lebih halus sedangkan dange sedikit kasar. Orang yang baru pertama kali mencoba Dange akan berasa manis pahit. Tapi jika sudah terbiasa memakannya rasa pahitnya hilang dan cuma rasa manis saja yang ada dalam kelezatan kue Dange.

Cara membuat Dange:

Bahan-bahan :
  1. 250 gram tepung ketan hitam.
  2. 125 gram kelapa parut setengah tua.
  3. 75 gram gula merah atau gula aren (sisir halus).
  4. 25 gram gula pasir.
  5. 1/2 sdt garam halus.
  6. 150 ml air matang.

Cara Membuatnya :
  • Pertama, kukus kelapa parut kurang lebih 20-30 menit.
  • Selanjutnya siapkan baskom kecil, kemudian campurkan tepung ketan hitam bersama dengan kelapa parut yang telah dikukus tadi, gula merah, gula pasir, garam halus, serta air matang. Kemudian aduk adonan hingga tercampur rata dan tiriskan.
  • Setelah itu siapkan cetakan kue pukis, olesi bagian permukaan cetakan dengan menggunakan margarine.
  • Selanjutnya tuangkan adonan kedalam cetakan secara perlahan sambil adonan dipadatkan, lalu panggang adonan hingga matang.
  • Terakhir, sajikan kue dange diatas piring saji.

Soup Saudara

The menu is a traditional soup is a traditional soup from Makassar (South of Sulawesi) made ​​with meat and spices mixture is formulated in such a way to get the highest soup is so indulgent tongue. Certainly different from Fish Meatball Soup Dumplings recipe previously. This is her recipe How to Make Soup special in Makassar Typical Original Civil Savoury and Scrumptious.

The ingredients to make the soup you:
400 grams of meat that is cut into small squares
2 liters of water
1 ginger seeds with a size of 2 cm
1 piece of ginger along 3 cm
5 pieces of orange leaves in tatters
3 stalks lemongrass, digeprak / crushed
1 tablespoon plus 2 teaspoons salt
¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg
½ cm cinnamon stick
3 tablespoons of cooking oil

Spices that are:
3 cloves of garlic
8 spring onions
3 seeds pecan
1 tablespoon roasted coriander
¼ teaspoon cumin

Dry Fried Lung Materials:
500 grams of cow lung
1000 ml of water

Spices to treat lung:
5 cloves of garlic
1 teaspoon salt

The ingredients to make cakes:
300 grams of potatoes, then cut into pieces
3 tablespoons fried onions
½ teaspoon ground pepper
¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg
¼ teaspoon salt 1 chopped leeks
1 egg
1 egg beaten off again in the coating material
    Cooking oil to taste

Presentation of the supplementary materials:
2 leeks chopped
5 tablespoons fried onions
50 grams glass noodles noodles, pour warm water briefly the ketupat (ethnic foo) is cut
1 tablespoon coriander
   Cooking oil to taste

How to Make Soup Kahas Makassar Brother Original Savoury and Scrumptious :
Boil the meat with water until boiling . While waiting tumislah flavoring ingredients that have been smoothed , namely galangal , ginger , lime leaves and lemongrass until fragrant . Pour the result stir into stew seasoning , then add the nutmeg , salt and cinnamon . Cook until the spices to infuse into the meat .
Boil the lungs into the pulmonary smooth flavor that has been made ​​earlier to mature . Drain after were raised later , pulmonary fried until crisp
Making cakes : gorenglah potato pieces until cooked , then mashed potatoes . Add fried onion , nutmeg , pepper , salt , chives and eggs . Stir until blended . Form the dots of dough patties , then dip into the egg to coat . Gorenglah patties until lightly browned , remove and set aside .
Prepare a presentation of the supplementary material in the serving bowl , sprinkle the dry fried lungs and cakes , and Splashing with hot sauce and dining survived .